Compute velocity on grid The original python code is on
Compute velocity on grid The original python code is on
density = NULL,
smooth = NULL,
n_neighbors = NULL,
min_mass = NULL,
scale = 1,
adjust_for_stream = FALSE,
cutoff_perc = NULL
- X_emb
A matrix of dimension n_obs x n_dim specifying the embedding coordinates of the cells.
- V_emb
A matrix of dimension n_obs x n_dim specifying the velocity vectors of the cells.
- density
An optional numeric value specifying the density of the grid points along each dimension. Default is 1.
- smooth
An optional numeric value specifying the smoothing factor for the velocity vectors. Default is 0.5.
- n_neighbors
An optional numeric value specifying the number of nearest neighbors for each grid point. Default is ceiling(n_obs / 50).
- min_mass
An optional numeric value specifying the minimum mass required for a grid point to be considered. Default is 1.
- scale
An optional numeric value specifying the scaling factor for the velocity vectors. Default is 1.
- adjust_for_stream
A logical value indicating whether to adjust the velocity vectors for streamlines. Default is FALSE.
- cutoff_perc
An optional numeric value specifying the percentile cutoff for removing low-density grid points. Default is 5.