This function displays color palettes using ggplot2.
palettes = NULL,
type = c("discrete", "continuous"),
index = NULL,
palette_names = NULL,
return_names = TRUE,
return_palettes = FALSE
- palettes
A list of color palettes. If `NULL`, uses default palettes.
- type
A character vector specifying the type of palettes to include. Default is "discrete".
- index
A numeric vector specifying the indices of the palettes to include. Default is `NULL`.
- palette_names
A character vector specifying the names of the SCP palettes to include. Default is `NULL`.
- return_names
A logical value indicating whether to return the names of the selected palettes. Default is `TRUE`.
- return_palettes
A logical value indicating whether to return the colors of selected palettes. Default is `FALSE`.
show_palettes(palettes = list(c("red", "blue", "green"), c("yellow", "purple", "orange")))
#> [1] "1" "2"
all_palettes <- show_palettes(return_palettes = TRUE)
#> [1] "BrBG" "PiYG" "PRGn" "PuOr"
#> [5] "RdBu" "RdGy" "RdYlBu" "RdYlGn"
#> [9] "Spectral" "Accent" "Dark2" "Paired"
#> [13] "Pastel1" "Pastel2" "Set1" "Set2"
#> [17] "Set3" "Blues" "BuGn" "BuPu"
#> [21] "GnBu" "Greens" "Greys" "Oranges"
#> [25] "OrRd" "PuBu" "PuBuGn" "PuRd"
#> [29] "Purples" "RdPu" "Reds" "YlGn"
#> [33] "YlGnBu" "YlOrBr" "YlOrRd" "npg"
#> [37] "aaas" "nejm" "lancet" "jama"
#> [41] "jco" "ucscgb" "d3-category10" "d3-category20"
#> [45] "d3-category20b" "d3-category20c" "igv" "locuszoom"
#> [49] "uchicago-default" "uchicago-light" "uchicago-dark" "cosmic"
#> [53] "simpsons" "futurama" "rickandmorty" "startrek"
#> [57] "tron" "frontiers" "flatui" "gsea"
#> [61] "material-red" "material-pink" "material-purple" "material-deep-purple"
#> [65] "material-indigo" "material-blue" "material-light-blue" "material-cyan"
#> [69] "material-teal" "material-green" "material-light-green" "material-lime"
#> [73] "material-yellow" "material-amber" "material-orange" "material-deep-orange"
#> [77] "material-brown" "material-grey" "material-blue-grey" "dPBIYlBu"
#> [81] "dPBIYlPu" "dPBIPuGn" "dPBIPuOr" "dPBIRdBu"
#> [85] "dPBIRdGy" "dPBIRdGn" "qMSOStd" "qMSO12"
#> [89] "qMSO15" "qMSOBuWarm" "qMSOBu" "qMSOBu2"
#> [93] "qMSOBuGn" "qMSOGn" "qMSOGnYl" "qMSOYl"
#> [97] "qMSOYlOr" "qMSOOr" "qMSOOrRd" "qMSORdOr"
#> [101] "qMSORd" "qMSORdPu" "qMSOPu" "qMSOPu2"
#> [105] "qMSOMed" "qMSOPap" "qMSOMrq" "qMSOSlp"
#> [109] "qMSOAsp" "qPBI" "sPBIGn" "sPBIGy1"
#> [113] "sPBIRd" "sPBIYl" "sPBIGy2" "sPBIBu"
#> [117] "sPBIOr" "sPBIPu" "sPBIYlGn" "sPBIRdPu"
#> [121] "ag_GrnYl" "ag_Sunset" "ArmyRose" "Earth"
#> [125] "Fall" "Geyser" "TealRose" "Temps"
#> [129] "Tropic" "Antique" "Bold" "Pastel"
#> [133] "Prism" "Safe" "Vivid" "BluGrn"
#> [137] "BluYl" "BrwnYl" "Burg" "BurgYl"
#> [141] "DarkMint" "Emrld" "Magenta" "Mint"
#> [145] "OrYel" "Peach" "PinkYl" "Purp"
#> [149] "PurpOr" "RedOr" "Sunset" "SunsetDark"
#> [153] "Teal" "TealGrn" "polarnight" "snowstorm"
#> [157] "frost" "aurora" "lumina" "mountain_forms"
#> [161] "silver_mine" "lake_superior" "victory_bonds" "halifax_harbor"
#> [165] "moose_pond" "algoma_forest" "rocky_mountain" "red_mountain"
#> [169] "baie_mouton" "afternoon_prarie" "magma" "inferno"
#> [173] "plasma" "viridis" "cividis" "rocket"
#> [177] "mako" "turbo" "ocean.algae" "ocean.deep"
#> [181] "ocean.dense" "ocean.gray" "ocean.haline" ""
#> [185] "ocean.matter" "ocean.oxy" "ocean.phase" ""
#> [189] "ocean.thermal" "ocean.turbid" "ocean.balance" "ocean.curl"
#> [193] "" "ocean.amp" "ocean.speed" "ocean.tempo"
#> [197] "BrowntoBlue.10" "BrowntoBlue.12" "BluetoDarkOrange.12" "BluetoDarkOrange.18"
#> [201] "DarkRedtoBlue.12" "DarkRedtoBlue.18" "BluetoGreen.14" "BluetoGray.8"
#> [205] "BluetoOrangeRed.14" "BluetoOrange.10" "BluetoOrange.12" "BluetoOrange.8"
#> [209] "LightBluetoDarkBlue.10" "LightBluetoDarkBlue.7" "Categorical.12" "GreentoMagenta.16"
#> [213] "SteppedSequential.5" "jcolors-default" "jcolors-pal2" "jcolors-pal3"
#> [217] "jcolors-pal4" "jcolors-pal5" "jcolors-pal6" "jcolors-pal7"
#> [221] "jcolors-pal8" "jcolors-pal9" "jcolors-pal10" "jcolors-pal11"
#> [225] "jcolors-pal12" "jcolors-rainbow" "jet" "simspec"
#> [229] "GdRd"
#> [1] "#c22b86" "#f769a1" "#fcc5c1" "#253777" "#1d92c0" "#9ec9e1" "#015b33" "#42aa5e" "#d9f0a2" "#E66F00" "#f18c28"
#> [12] "#FFBB61"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "discrete"
show_palettes(index = 1:10)
#> [1] "BrBG" "PiYG" "PRGn" "PuOr" "RdBu" "RdGy" "RdYlBu" "RdYlGn" "Spectral" "Accent"
show_palettes(type = "discrete", index = 1:10)
#> [1] "Accent" "Dark2" "Paired" "Pastel1" "Pastel2" "Set1" "Set2" "Set3" "npg" "aaas"
show_palettes(type = "continuous", index = 1:10)
#> [1] "BrBG" "PiYG" "PRGn" "PuOr" "RdBu" "RdGy" "RdYlBu" "RdYlGn" "Spectral" "Blues"
show_palettes(palette_names = c("Paired", "nejm", "simspec", "Spectral", "jet"), return_palettes = TRUE)
#> $Paired
#> [1] "#A6CEE3" "#1F78B4" "#B2DF8A" "#33A02C" "#FDBF6F" "#FF7F00" "#FB9A99" "#E31A1C" "#CAB2D6" "#6A3D9A" "#FFFF99"
#> [12] "#B15928"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "discrete"
#> $nejm
#> TallPoppy DeepCerulean Zest Eucalyptus WildBlueYonder Gothic Salomie FrenchRose
#> "#BC3C29" "#0072B5" "#E18727" "#20854E" "#7876B1" "#6F99AD" "#FFDC91" "#EE4C97"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "discrete"
#> $simspec
#> [1] "#c22b86" "#f769a1" "#fcc5c1" "#253777" "#1d92c0" "#9ec9e1" "#015b33" "#42aa5e" "#d9f0a2" "#E66F00" "#f18c28"
#> [12] "#FFBB61"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "discrete"
#> $Spectral
#> [1] "#5E4FA2" "#3288BD" "#66C2A5" "#ABDDA4" "#E6F598" "#FFFFBF" "#FEE08B" "#FDAE61" "#F46D43" "#D53E4F" "#9E0142"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "continuous"
#> $jet
#> [1] "#00007A" "#000085" "#00008F" "#000099" "#0000A3" "#0000AD" "#0000B8" "#0000C2" "#0000CC" "#0000D6" "#0000E0"
#> [12] "#0000EB" "#0000F5" "#0000FF" "#000AFF" "#0014FF" "#001FFF" "#0029FF" "#0033FF" "#003DFF" "#0047FF" "#0052FF"
#> [23] "#005CFF" "#0066FF" "#0070FF" "#007AFF" "#0085FF" "#008FFF" "#0099FF" "#00A3FF" "#00ADFF" "#00B8FF" "#00C2FF"
#> [34] "#00CCFF" "#00D6FF" "#00E0FF" "#00EBFF" "#00F5FF" "#00FFFF" "#0AFFF5" "#14FFEB" "#1FFFE0" "#29FFD6" "#33FFCC"
#> [45] "#3DFFC2" "#47FFB8" "#52FFAD" "#5CFFA3" "#66FF99" "#70FF8F" "#7AFF85" "#85FF7A" "#8FFF70" "#99FF66" "#A3FF5C"
#> [56] "#ADFF52" "#B8FF47" "#C2FF3D" "#CCFF33" "#D6FF29" "#E0FF1F" "#EBFF14" "#F5FF0A" "#FFFF00" "#FFF500" "#FFEB00"
#> [67] "#FFE000" "#FFD600" "#FFCC00" "#FFC200" "#FFB800" "#FFAD00" "#FFA300" "#FF9900" "#FF8F00" "#FF8500" "#FF7A00"
#> [78] "#FF7000" "#FF6600" "#FF5C00" "#FF5200" "#FF4700" "#FF3D00" "#FF3300" "#FF2900" "#FF1F00" "#FF1400" "#FF0A00"
#> [89] "#FF0000" "#F50000" "#EB0000" "#E00000" "#D60000" "#CC0000" "#C20000" "#B80000" "#AD0000" "#A30000" "#990000"
#> [100] "#8F0000"
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "continuous"